Healing from the End of a Relationship

Healing from the End of a Relationship: Finding Peace and Growth After Heartbreak

Relationships are complex and meaningful, and when they end, the emotional toll can feel overwhelming. Whether it’s a long-term partnership or a relatively brief connection, healing from the end of a relationship requires both time and intentional effort. Here’s a compassionate approach to healing from the end of a relationship that can help you rediscover

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What are Healthy Relationships

What are Healthy Relationships

Helpful traits in a supportive partner    Engagement and availability: Responding to your partner and their needs and encouraging their progress and evolution. Hurtful Traits in relationships  Damaging presence: Behaviors such as meddling, restricting, intimidating and manipulating. What happens in healthy relationships? Growing and evolving as a person, becoming increasingly more comfortable in one’s own skin, addressing

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Holidays and Relationships 3

Holidays and Relationships

Hidden among mistletoe and holiday cheer lies the stress of family dynamics, travel hassles, and extra spending that can test even the healthiest relationships. While couples benefit from regularly working on their relationship, strengthening communication, reciprocal support, and intimacy, and expressing their love, extra care during holiday seasons encapsulates the spirit of the season and

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Along with the joy, sadness, anger, grief, satisfaction and various other states that make our sense of being lies the often-neglected sense of eroticism. What is it? Simply put, it is the sense of aliveness and vitality, curiosity and interest, push and pull of the engagement in life. Eroticism is pleasure and pain, relief and

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Apologizing in Relationships

Apologizing in Relationships

What’s the big deal? Despite being a core tenant of any and all relationships, many struggle with giving and receiving apologies. At its core, an apology is a statement of remorse that acknowledges the harm caused and attempts to restore the respect lost as a result of an offense. This skill is an integral part

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Betrayal and Recovery

You’ve been duped. Perhaps your partner strayed from the relationship. Perhaps it was you who strayed. Either way, your romantic life is not progressing as you anticipated, and pulling the plug seems more appealing by the minute. After all, a breakup would help end the pain, heartbreak, and cuts that only seem to get deeper

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Relational Ambivalence & Radical Acceptancev

Relational Ambivalence & Radical Acceptance

“You are the love of my life.” “I can’t take this anymore.” These are not uncommon statements within one and the same relationship. We may find certain aspects of our partner very difficult to live with, and we may have traits that our partner finds difficult to live with. The term Relational Ambivalence refers to

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